DER KREIS Netherlands

DER KREIS Netherlands was founded in 1989 as the third national subsidiary outside of Germany. DER KREIS Netherlands has become well-established on the market, particularly due to the comprehensive services its offers its member companies as well as the creative and innovative concepts that can members can make use of to gain a better position on the market and to distinguish themselves from the competition.
The kuechenspezialisten concept, which benefits end customers, members and industry partners in equal measure, is especially popular. Our area for online and offline communication serve as the perfect complement for this. Along with our social media activities, including videos and online campaigns with testimonials that are well-known in the Netherlands, we also offer a printed magazine for end customers and attractive POS designs that further boost the popularity of strong brands.
The head office of DER KREIS Netherlands is located in Zwolle.
Additional information can be found at www.derkreis.nl